01.09.2017 | President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov takes part in the opening of the Institute of Municipal Services

Opening ceremony of new high education institution the Institute of Municipal Service, took place in Ashgabat on the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth.Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, leaders of the Mejlis, ministries and departments, non-governmental organizations of the country, national media, numerous guests, businesspersons and students gathered at the place of this occasion.

The Head of the State went to the podium and made a speech.Addressing the professors and lecturers, all personnel of educational system, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that Turkmen youth has to study and get education, do creative work and improve the authority of the country.

Educational, scientific and professional knowledge of the students have to be on the level.Professors and lecturers of the universities have to implement comprehensively modern equipment and advanced technologies to educational process.

The Head of the State expressed the confidence that graduates of new university would be qualified specialists and real professionals in their sphere.Having congratulated everyone on current occasion, the President of Turkmenistan cut the ribbon and entered the building starting looking around the interior amenities of the university.

Generally, the structure of new university stipulates the combining of rducational, production and innovative components in one centre.The main four-store administration block and three learning sections accommodate the director’s office and five faculties municipal services, mechanical and technological, engineering systems and facilities, economics and management and training improvement faculties.

The faculty of municipal services will train in the following specilaities: expertise and real estate management, exploitation and technical service of automobile roads, bridges and tunnels, design of architectural environment.

Special place in the spectrum of professional studies is given to technical exploitation, reconstruction and overhauling of buildings and constructions, organization and technological project design in living and communal complex and management of the constructions.

At mechanical and technological faculty, the students will study the professions related to lifting and transportation, construction and road equipment and equipment for building material facilities, engineering systems and networks, electrical motors and automation of communal facilities and technological complexes.

The programme of study in the sphere of anthropogenic safety, the direction of training of the specialist in occupational health and safety and process safety both under normal circumstances and emergency situations was introduced in our country for the first time.

Graduates of mechanic and technology faculty will be highly required in scientific and project institutions, organizations and enterprises of municipal services, chemical industry and many other branches of national economy.

The faculty of economics and management stipulates the study on the specialities like economics and management, accounting and audit, information systems and technologies.The main objective of the faculty is in training of highly qualified specialists knowing the methods of economic and technical evaluation of new technologies, who are able to determine the perspective directions of investment activity of the enterprises and to make marketing analysis.

The specialists with economic background having high knowledge level, wide erudition, who are able to take efficient management decisions, technically educated and knowing foreign languages are required in municipal service sphere under modern market relations.

These are the specialists who receive the education at the faculty of economics and management.Having left the main building, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to another building where the faculty of engineering systems and facilities is located.

The Head of the State familiarized himself with the conditions for training of the specialists in three main directions heat and gas supply and ventilation, water supply, water diversion and protection of water resources, power supply.

All rooms and auditoriums are equipped according to the highest educational standards including modern electronic equipment.The laboratories of new university are equipped with high technological unique hardware, displays with working instruments of GUNT, Lucas Nuelle.

It will help the students to learn the work of sensors, mechanisms and industrial controlling devices.The opportunities for assembly and commissioning of electronic systems allow imagining the phases of automation means installations.

There are 44 laboratories in the university including electronic, automated design of technological processes, construction materials and productions, plant biochemistry, electrical, water supply, water diversion, heat and gas supply laboratories.

During his tour, the Head of the State visited experimental laboratory of geodesy and bridges.Optical levels form Leica that allow defining the height differences with millimetre accuracy were demonstrated to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Such instruments are used for imaging of relief of the areas and transfer of the legends of automobile and railway roads, bridges, overpasses, tunnels, airports, buildings, hydro technical facilities during the construction to the layouts.

Laser range finders Disto give an opportunity to measure the distance up to 2000 meters with accuracy of 1 mm what is very important for engineering works at construction sites and necessary for definition of the area and volume of the premises as well as for measuring of height and width of the objects out of reach.

The President also visited experimental laboratory of production automation.Besides, the classrooms and technical labs, the students of the university has good library located in separate two-store building.

New complex has all conditions for cultural and creative work, for doing music, dances, creative arts.There is a building in the proximity which is designed for the sessions, concerts, meeting and exhibition halls for 600 and 100 people, VIP hall for 25 people, which are all provided with advanced equipment for different events including scientific and university conferences, movie demonstrations, performance of theatrical and music groups.

New university campus has an excellent sport complex.Large areas are allocated for comfortable living for students, young specialists and teachers.The hostels are divided into 87 living sections for 2, 4 and 5 people.

Every store has kitchen, guest room and laundry.After the inspection, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to small conference hall of new university where he left an entry in the Book of Honourable guests.

After, the President of Turkmenistan went to new complex of buildings of chemical faculty of Magtumguly Turkmen State University.Magtumguly Turkmen State University is one of the oldest local universities and currently is the largest educational and cultural centre of the country.

Members of the Government, leaders of the Mejlis, foreign guests, representatives of press, teachers of the university and students gathered at the new buildings of the University.The President of Turkmenistan cut the ribbon under the storm of applause and entered the central building of chemical faculty of the University.

The Head of the State looked around the exhibition expanded in spacious foyer of the building.Multimedia displays demonstrate the information on numerous natural reserves of our country, innovative technologies, on which basis domestic chemical industry is developing.

Samples and electronic map of different mineral resources, which deposits were discovered in Turkmenistan, periodical table are also demonstrated there.The monitors also provides the detailed information about chemical faculty of the university.

Modern complex of chemical faculty of Magtumguly University was built by the order of the Ministry of Education by French company Buig Batiman International, which is long-term partner of Turkmenistan in urban construction sphere and the contractor for building of entire university campus. 1000 students will be studying there simultaneously.

The adjoining three-store buildings have 35 auditoriums for lections and practical lessons, 22 chemical laboratories and 4 laboratories for diploma works, 8 language study classrooms and 13 computer classes.

Besides, there IMAC programming classes and Android mobile systems, creative labs, reading hall for 100 seats, multimedia hall, offices for management, professors and teachers, cafeteria.Taking into account growing number of students form different regions of the country as well as actively developing international contacts of the University, comfortable hostel for 644 people has been built.

The territory of the complex has sports grounds including for gymnastics, football, basketball, volleyball.The project stipulated closed and open parking, workshop, technical and various auxiliary premises.All cabinets are equipped with multifunctional hardware of the last generation with innovative computer programmes.

The classrooms are equipped with high-speed computers allowing the students making complex models of chemical reactions and using received data in their scientific researches.The Internet is accessible from any place including the hostel, cafeteria and the main building.

Super modern experimental base is established at the faculty.These are study and research laboratories of general and non-organic chemistry, chemical technologies and specialized courses, organic, analytical, bio non-organic, physical and colloid chemistry as well as environmental chemistry, biochemistry, teaching methods, chemistry of molecular compound, physical methods of analysis laboratories.

All of them are equipped with multimedia and specialized laboratory hardware.During the tour around the faculty, the opportunities of TV space bridges with other universities of the country were demonstrated to the President.

The Head of the State again congratulated the students and teachers of chemical faculty of Magtumguly Turkmen State University on remarkable event and wished them success in study and work.

Having left an entry in the Book of Honoured Guests, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the place of event.

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