94 graduates graduated from the Turkmen-Russian school named after Pushkin this year

94 graduates graduated from the Turkmen-Russian school named after Pushkin this year

On May 25, the “last bell” sounded for graduates of secondary schools of Turkmenistan. The ceremonial line marked the end of the 2022-2023 academic year. This date will certainly remain in the memory of all graduates as something exciting and unforgettable.

The Joint Turkmen-Russian School named after A.S.Pushkin.In honor of the holiday, the school was beautifully decorated.This year, 94 graduates say goodbye to the educational institution.

Today, a solemn line was organized for them, parting words from teachers, parents and invited guests were heard at the event, the press service of the Russian House in Ashgabat reports.

Graduates were awarded prizes and commendations. Among them were the winners of the state republican Olympiads in the Russian language and biology.

A special holiday atmosphere was given to the event by the production of the Russian film "Cheburashka", dance and song numbers with the participation of children from school creative circles.

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