The Medical University of Turkmenistan has graduated about 600 specialists

The Medical University of Turkmenistan has graduated about 600 specialists

A festive ceremony was held in the State medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev these days dedicated to honoring of almost 600 graduates. There are a quite number of those who have completed their studies with honors, according to the newspaper “Neutral Turkmenistan”.

It is significant that students and young teachers of the university annually participate in prestigious scientific competitions and subject Olympiads in various disciplines, including international scale.This academic year, for the first time in the history of the university, students won a record number of victories more than a hundred prizes based on the results of participation in major subject competitions.

Future doctors perfectly demonstrated their knowledge in disciplines such as human physiology, pharmacology, pharmaceutical chemistry, standardization of medicines, general microbiology, sanitation and food hygiene, fundamentals of immunology, fundamentals of psychology, biology, cell structure, surgery, English language and literature, ecology and others.

Graduates of this academic year were also honored two first places in the Young Scientists competition, which is an annual mutual initiative of the Academy of Science of Turkmenistan and the Central Council of the Youth Organization named after Mahtumkuli.

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