CСoncerts and exhibitions organized at the stops along the route of “Amul-Khazar” rally

On 20 June, in the framework of the working visit to Lebap velayat, President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov held the meeting devoted to preparations for the international car rally “Amul-Khazar 2018”.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Isgender Mulikov reported that the total length of all rally routes will amount to 1,566 kilometers, out of which the race track occupies 1,158 kilometers and auxiliary roads 408 kilometers.

Each stop of the route will be equipped with a cafeteria which accommodates 3000 people, a press centre, a first-aid medical facility, a performance stage, exhibitions stands, “ak oi” yurt as well as airplane runways and helicopter decks.

Fire safety will be ensured by mobile fire-fighting crews. Along the route of the rally and in maintenance points ambulance vehicles will be keeping vigil.

The state information agency TDH reports that over 20 volunteers will be engaged in greeting participants and visitors of the contest, preparing documents and rendering interpreting services.

High quality meals will be arranged for visitors whereas racers will be provided with fuel and petrol.

President Berdymukhammedov authorized National Security Minister Yaylym Berdiev, Chairperson of Turkmenistan’s Customs Service Atadurdy Osmanov and head of Migration Office Mergen Gurdov with the task of “ensuring athletes and other participants of the car rally have access to high quality and trouble-free migration and customs procedures”.

Planes operated by Turkmenistan Airlines will transport participants and organizers of the car rally.

Let us recall that on 19 June the President assembled a racing car based on his own drawings and discussed the decorative options for the car rally vehicles.

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