Digest of the main news of Turkmenistan for March 28

Digest of the main news of Turkmenistan for March 28

The new book of the President of Turkmenistan about the culture of Anev was published in three languages, Turkmenistan summed up the results of the Olympiad in foreign languages among students of educational centers, Turkmenistan presented the national pavilion that will be built for EXPO 2025 in Osaka and other news


1. The Turkmen State Publishing Service published a new book by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov “Anev - Culture from the Depths of Millennia” in three languages - Turkmen, Russian and English. The work covers significant events and historical eras of Ancient Anev. Separate chapters of the publication are devoted to archaeological finds and unique architectural monuments that have survived to this day.

2.The state Olympiad in foreign languages among students of educational institutions of all types and forms of ownership that organize short-term training has ended in the capital of Turkmenistan.

The large-scale competition was held in three stages, starting on February 4 in training centers throughout the country.According to the results of the final round, held at the D.

Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages in Ashgabat, the leaders of the Olympiad in terms of the number of winners were students of the economic society “Zehin yoly”.

Students won 9 awards, including 2 gold, 3 silver and 4 bronze medals.

3.Within the framework of the Turkmen-Japanese business forum in Tokyo, a presentation of the national pavilion of Turkmenistan, which will be built at the World Expo 2025 in Osaka, took place.

The director of ES “Belly”, the official contractor of the pavilion, gave a presentation that demonstrated what the facility would look like.It was noted that high-quality environmentally friendly materials were used in its construction.

The pavilion will display the cultural values of Turkmenistan, handmade carpets, industrial products, the country's achievements over the years of independence, national dishes and souvenirs.

4. On March 31, a video screening of the concert of the world famous Korean group BTS will be held at the “Ashgabat” cinema. The show is scheduled to start at 13:00. Tickets can be purchased at the cinema box office.

5.In accordance with the schedule approved by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, on March 27, farmers of Dashoguz velayat began sowing cotton, where, due to natural and climatic conditions, sowing starts somewhat later than in other regions of the country.

According to good tradition, the start of work was blessed by the venerable elders.The velayat has an extensive fleet of modern specialized equipment to prepare land for sowing and care for cotton, including high-performance tractors purchased from world leaders in agricultural engineering.

6. The fifth meeting of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the seventh convocation will be held on March 30, 2024 at 10 o’clock in the building of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan. Registration of deputies will be held from 9 a.m. on March 30, 2024.


7.Vinyl records are experiencing a renaissance.In 2023, their sales in the US overtook CD sales for the first time since 1987.The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) reports that 43 million vinyl albums were sold last year, valued at 1,4 billion USD.

That's 6 million units and 900 million USD more than CDs, which generated just 537 million USD in sales.Despite the higher price, vinyl has shown steady growth in popularity for 17 years.

Experts note that physical collections of audio recordings are once again becoming a cultural trend, especially among audiophiles and music lovers nostalgic for the past.

8.Researchers from the University of Lyon conducted a comparative analysis of seven languages based on pronunciation speed.It turned out that the leader is Japanese, followed by Spanish, French, Italian, English, German and Chinese.

A 2019 study analyzed 17 languages from Europe and Asia in terms of information per syllable.Japanese, although the fastest language, contained very little information in each syllable.

This may explain why Japanese speakers speak quickly to make their sentences meaningful.


9. Performances by young dancers were successfully held at the “Turkmenistan” cinema and concert center. 11 dance groups from the country took part in the show, organized by the Federation of Sports Dances of Turkmenistan. Among the groups were the ensemble “Goddess” by choreographer Ayna Kurbanova, the group Crazy Boys by choreographer Mekan Batyrov, the group “Lezginka” and others.

10.President Serdar Berdimuhamedov met with the head of the International Tennis Federation (ITF) David Haggerty and the head of the Asian Tennis Federation (ATF) Yuri Polsky.Expressing gratitude for their time, the guests confirmed the interest of the ITF and ATF in developing fruitful cooperation with Turkmenistan.

In turn, the head of state emphasized that he is ready to support the initiatives and proposals of the ITF and ATF to promote tennis in Turkmenistan and throughout the world, proposing to study the possibilities of using the country’s sports infrastructure to hold international tennis tournaments, camps and master classes.

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