Tajikistan expected to grant tax exemptions to some Chinese, Turkmen and Uzbek companies

Tajikistan expected to grant tax exemptions to some Chinese, Turkmen and Uzbek companies

Tajik government proposes to grant tax exemptions to some Chinese, Turkmen and Uzbek companies financing construction of social facilities in the country, news.tj reports.

The government proposes amendments to the country’s law on the national budget for 2019, under which two Chinese companies, two Uzbek companies and one Turkmen company financing construction of schools and hospitals will be exempted from paying value added tax (VAT), income tax and tax on road users.

China’s Tebian Electric Apparatus (TBEA Co. Ltd) is financing construction of schools in the village of Elok in the Fayzobod district and the village of Chordara subordinate to Vahdat Township.

Another Chinese company, Sinohydro, is financing construction of schools in Bokhtar, Levakand and Danghara.

Two Uzbek companies are financing construction of a school in the Spitamen district and a medical center in the Qubodiyon district.

Meanwhile, Turkmen Embassy in Dushanbe is financing construction of a school in the Dousti district.

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