The President of Turkmenistan tests computers for first graders

At the Cabinet session held on 31 August Deputy Prime Minister Kerim Durdymyradov gave a progress report to President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov on the measures being undertaken to establish the national electronic industry.

Samples of personal computers, which are scheduled to be handed out to the first graders on behalf of the President, were demonstrated to the head of the state.

According to the state information agency TDH, the manufacturing of training computers was launched by the holding Тürkmenmaşyngurluşyk under Turkmenistan’s Ministry of Industry.

The news agency refers to electronic toys as “netbooks” and “personal computers” but these are toys which look like laptops with the minimum screen of 10 cm (4 inches) rather than real computers.

As has been earlier reported, plastic сases are molded and the final assembly is made in Turkmenistan whereas the internal electronic parts are supplied from China.

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