The Turkmen President is discontent with the quality of roads and lack of unique architectural projects

At the Cabinet session held on 12 October President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov drew attention of the officials to the construction of roads, including high speed motorways, and pointed out low pace and poor quality of works, which do not meet the present-day requirements.

The state information agency TDH reports that khyakim of Ashgabat Shamukhammet Durdylyev was charged with the task of finalizing the 2019 urban development program and focusing on road construction as a key area.

The head of the state also expressed discontent with the performance of Minister of Construction and Architecture Soyenchnazar Selimov and highlighted that “the original national projects are not proposed for consideration and the proposals pertaining to industrial development are not put forward”.

It should be mentioned that the quality of motorways, especially in the provinces, is appalling.As regards high speed highways, the construction of highway Ashgabat-Turkmenbashi, which was built by Turkish Polimex, has been suspended.

After the conflict with the Turkmen authorities the construction project was halted.Following the dispute, the President instructed that the road construction be completed using the country’s own resources.

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