Turkmenistan again experiences eggs deficit

Correspondents of “Chronicles of Turkmenistan” report that Ashgabat is experiencing a deficit of chicken eggs.

In privately-owned retail outlets the price for one egg has increased from 50 tenge to 60-80 tenge.In state-run stores the sale of eggs has been restricted, which results in queues being formed at the stores.

In particular, in one of the stores in Tekin market of Ashgabat eggs are sold at 33 tenge per piece.A restriction of 30 eggs (one tray) per person applies.

The sale is arranged under supervision of the police who make sure that residents take no photos of the queues. Police officers disperse teenagers who stand in the queues. Eggs are sold only to adults.

Let us recall that eggs disappeared from store counters in late 2016.

Eggs could be purchased only in large-scale supermarkets and state-run stores at 2 manats with a restriction of 5-6 eggs per person.

On 1 December Radio “Azatlyk” reported that the country’s provinces are also experiencing a shortage of flour. Correspondents of “Chronicles of Turkmenistan” report that there is a shortage of flour in Dashoguz.

The inhabitants of the province ask relatives and friends, who go to the capital, to buy flour.

It should be highlighted that in the run-up to the Day of Neutrality which is celebrated on 12 December, President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov instructed to ensure “abundance of food products” in the country.

On 9 December the head of the state also signed a resolution to set up the State Food Supply Security Commission.

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