Presentation of book “White city...

Presentation of new book of the President of Turkmenistan “Ak şäherim Aşgabat” organized by construction and industrial complex and city administration of Ashgabat was at the “White city Ashgabat” monument held on May 8.

Some vice-premiers as well as heads of personnel of profile ministries and departments, prominent poets and writers, representatives of public organizations, mass media and youth took part in the event.

It was noted in the speeches of the participants that new book of the head of the state is very informative and designed excellently. The book reflects the love of the President to his Motherland, Turkmen capital and native people.

In the beginning of the book, the author cited the verses of Magtumguly Fragi:

Listen, man, there is no place in the world,

Which is better than the place where you were born.

The book has six chapter and effective photo illustrations. It speaks in details about the history and modern achievements of the capital.

“Of course, following the programs of provision of each family with separate living, we continue living construction at high rates”, - the President of Turkmenistan highlights voicing his main goal to erect modern buildings with comfortable apartments all around the city.

Book “White city Ashgabat” by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has become an excellent present to fellow countrymen on the 140th anniversary of Turkmen capital.

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