Residents of Turkmenistan can improve the Russian language knowledge on online courses

Residents of Turkmenistan can improve the Russian language knowledge on online courses

National Unity Day is celebrated in Russia on November 4. The multinational and multicultural country is a home for more than 180 people. The Stavropol Turkmen are among them. According to the 2010 census, the ethnographic group of Russian Turkmen is more than 15 thousand people.

On the eve of celebration of the National Unity Day, the Great Ethnographic Dictation has started.This year, it will be the Fifth Anniversary edition.In 2017, the educational campaign went international.

For 4 years of the action, 1,200,000 people from 46 countries took the test.The Dictation enables to assess the level of ethnographic knowledge of people, popularize ethnography, and draw the public attention to the problems of preserving ethnical identity, mutual respect and harmony between people of different nationalities.

Any person from any country of the world can take part in the Great Ethnographic Dictation.Residents of Turkmenistan might also be interested in finding familiar expressions and phrases in the test tasks.

To participate in the event, you should follow the project website and register.The dictation will include 30 questions.For correct answers, points are scored, the maximum is 100 points.

Those who pass the dictation will be awarded a certificate in electronic form with results.

While anyone interested in improving the knowledge of the Russian language, can enjoy free online courses as the official website of the Russian Embassy in Turkmenistan reports.The general education program in the Russian language includes three courses: “Russian for foreigners and applicants: 1.

Spelling and punctuation; 2.Norms of the modern Russian literary language; 3.Grammar rules and text”.

Distance learning will take place at the Siberian Center for Open Education in Russian at Altai State Pedagogical University (AltSPU). This year, the target countries for conducting courses and educational events are Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.

The educational platform will be available from November 15 at the university’s website. Those interested can apply for 3 courses at once. To participate in the courses, you should fill a short form by November 10 and send it to Upon sending completed form, the participant receives a username and password to enter the system.

AltSPU has extensive experience in teaching and promoting the Russian language. For seven years, teachers of Russian as a foreign language have been trained under the Master’s program. It is planned to expand the list of countries participating in online courses and general education programs.

Online courses will roughly be held from November 20 to December 15 on the Moodle platform (AltSPU). The training includes video classes, assignments, at the end of each course; students will have to pass the final tests. Foreign citizens who are successful with tasks will be awarded certificates at the end of the course.

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