Tendencies of Turkmen economy are in publications of profile magazine

Digitization of national economy was initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as strategic objectives, without solution of which innovative development of the country is not possible.Planned programme measures in this field are aimed at the creation of the conditions for the formation of society of knowledge, its informational space, improvement of wealth and life level of the citizens by availability and quality of goods and service made with the use of modern technologies, improvement of management systems of social and economic spheres.

At the session of the Cabinet of Ministers on March 7, the Head of the State again raised this subject and gave specific assignments to the heads of different structures.

In particular, the President ordered to accelerate the transit of the state authorities to digital system, provision of services in different spheres in electronic format, to activate the modernization of industrial facilities and agricultural complex based on the introduction of advanced technologies, to take measures for training of personnel for digital economy.

According to the President, digital reform will be good opportunity for our country to create our own unique developments, production and technologies and just to follow global trends and to produce ready digital solutions.

Therefore, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gives special hopes to scientists, young specialists who have such competency and know digital instruments.In this context, it was requested to organize the trips of the heads of the institutes of the Academy of Science as well as other education institutes to study the practice of foreign countries, which achieved great success in this sphere.

In addition, the instructions to accelerate total connection of secondary and high educational institute to the Internet, wide promotion of advantages of transit to this system among the population, especially rural residents.

It is necessary to explain the importance of using of new technologies and promotion of latest information technologies in the velayats.Turkmen leader has also focused on the introduction of digital approaches to the work of cultural and mass media institutions.

It is necessary to organize special programs on TV and radio channels for explanation of the meaning and importance of the measures for digitization of different branches and activity of the facilities among the population, the Head of the State said.

All this large-scale work in our country is widely highlighted by the press including in specialized Finances and Economics magazine.The first issue of scientific and practical magazine in 2019 covers key directions and utmost measures outlined by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in the Programme of social and economic development of Turkmenistan in the next seven years.

The model of improvement of national economy is reviewed in introduction article “Dynamic growth and future objectives” where prepositions made for new breakthrough of the economy of Turkmenistan and the main points of its growth and strategy of mobilization are analysed.

Structural change of industrial sectors and service sphere provides the development of scientific grounded production with high added value.Great attention is paid also to the process of denationalization and privatization of the facilities by the foundation of joint stock ventures, renewal of management system with application of new technologies and introduction of digital systems.

Correction of marketing approaches will be required taking into account the globalization and integration of the country to the world market, promotion in which allows comprehensive use of the dividends from the implementation of ow investment projects.

Attraction for foreign capitals, investments of private sector of the country and formation of efficient mechanisms of state and private sector partnership are priority directions.Electronic industry, power energy, production and processing of oil, gas and other resources, agriculture, transport, communication and tourism are outlined as drive engines of national economy.

Turkmen leader named digital economy, medicine and education as strategic objectives.In this context, the Head of the State set specific objectives to the heads of financial and economic block including for the control of the implementation of the programmes of development of branches of the economy and regions of the country in 2019 2025.

Other publications of the magazine highlight certain directions of this work and form of its organization.It includes the creation of the government management system of financial information based on intellectual technologies providing permanent monitoring of movement of budget money and their efficient control, promptness of measures, accuracy of information and reporting.

Strengthening of equipment and facilities base of statistical authorities by the introduction of advanced methods of collection, transfer and processing of data, digitization of banking system with the growth of volumes of non-cash payments are outlined in the same rank.

In general, digital reform in all branches of the economy will allow achieving long-term effect and high level of work production, increasing the share of information and communication technologies in the structure of the GDP of the country, will make new modern high technology working places and will support the erasing of the differences between the life level of the urban and rural population.

Digital transformation will be the driver of investment attractiveness of the regions, development of information environment of which will give a chance to local business to enter new level and to provide quality service to the population.

On this background, the analysts review the role of social policy of the state as the main factor that guarantees the success of all reforms initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and improvement of international status of Turkmenistan as prosperous country.

Important place is given to taxes among economic mechanisms used by the state for influence of market economy.Separate article is dedicated to this theme, in which the author gives comprehensive assessment to existing tax system of Turkmenistan from the position of its influence on the economy and compliance with the principles used in the world practice and sums up the necessity of changes in this sphere.

The changes are required both in taxation structure and models of every tax, mechanism of collection in order to make the system to be oriented to stable economic growth and investments.

Subjects of banking activity are reviewed in the publication “Functional Spheres of Activity of Crediting Organization” while the stimulus of development of new productions and branches, free economic zones in “Potential of State Support of export in Turkmenistan” article.

The magazine also includes the articles about training of new generation of economists, specialists of other profiles who know economic conjuncture and about research activity in economic sphere.Designated for the heads of the Government structures, personnel of financial and economic institutions, tax and insurance organizations, banks and private companies, political and social scientists, the magazine of the Ministry of Finances and Economics is published in Turkmen, Russian and English languages, which makes it available for foreign readers who are interested in special features, patterns and character of operation of turkemn economy and its future.

Leading economists, professors and lecturers of universities, personnel of scientific and research institutes of the Academy of Sciences as well as specialist of different departments are among the authors of the magazine.

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