The official visit of the...

Today, as part of the second day of his official visit to the United Arab Emirates, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening ceremony of the Turkmenistan-UAE business forum.

As it was already reported, on the eve of the Turkmen-Emirati summit talks were held in the capital of the friendly country, during which the commitment of the two states and their fraternal peoples to the traditional relations of friendship and trust, as well as mutual readiness to actively expand multifaceted cooperation on a mutually beneficial and equal basis, was confirmed.

New powerful impetus to the development of bilateral dialogue, taking into account the existing huge potential and mutual interest, is called upon to give a solid package of documents signed at the end of the summit meeting, which significantly supplemented the legal framework of interstate relations.

On the same day, the President of Turkmenistan held bilateral meetings with the Vice President, Prime Minister, Minister of Defense of the United Arab Emirates, Ruler of the Emirate of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Deputy Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Minister for Administration of the President of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, with whom a wide range of issues of bilateral cooperation in all key areas were substantively discussed.

As is known, the intensification of the dialogue of Turkmenistan with the states of the Middle East, primarily with such an authoritative and economically developed country of the Arab world as the United Arab Emirates, is one of the priorities of the foreign policy strategy of the independent neutral Turkmen state.

Mutual interest in building up constructive cooperation, supported by the successful implementation of important joint projects, is growing every year, confirmed by regular negotiations between representatives of sectoral ministries, financial and business circles of Turkmenistan and the UAE.

The business forum "Turkmenistan-UAE" held today is also aimed at the comprehensive deepening of trade, economic and investment cooperation, initially built from a position of equality and mutual respect, during which approaches to further business partnerships with world-famous companies were concretized, taking into account the opening prospects and experience of many years of successful joint work.

…In the morning, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov's motorcade headed for the venue of the business meeting with the business elite of the friendly country the fashionable St.Regis Abu Dhabi”, where the head of Turkmenistan was warmly welcomed by the Minister of State for Foreign Trade of the United Arab Emirates, Thani Bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, and the Chairman of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the United Arab Emirates, Abdullah Al Mazrui.

The exhibition of products manufactured in Turkmenistan, located in the lobby of the hotel, aroused great interest among the participants of the business forum.

Thus, women entrepreneurs presented the legendary Turkmen carpets, unsurpassed in beauty and craftsmanship, which are the true pride and invaluable cultural heritage of our people, as well as various types of carpet products that combine the spirit of antiquity and modernity.

In all its diversity, products of the high-tech, export-oriented textile industry were presented. Today, goods of well-known brands "Merw", "Wada", "Ýeňiş", "Mäne" and others, made from organic cotton, are well known and are in consistently high demand not only in Turkmenistan, but also in countries near and far abroad.

Over the past years, the state has been taking consistent steps to actively promote products of the Made in Turkmenistan brand on foreign markets.

Taking a course towards the formation of a competitive national economy and the deepening of market relations, Turkmenistan in every possible way stimulates entrepreneurial activity and the activity of domestic business circles, creating optimal legal, economic, financial and social conditions for the smooth and effective development of small and medium-sized businesses, supporting private initiative.

Members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan play a big role in solving the tasks set for the production of high-quality competitive goods, ensuring food abundance, and building industrial enterprises.

A wide range of products of the domestic food industry, such as juices, drinks, confectionery, etc., produced in a wide range, are also in high demand among the population, which also became exhibits of the exhibition.

A separate stand was presented by the Ak Bulut Economic Society, which was one of the first in Turkmenistan to establish the production of suspended ceilings. High-quality and environmentally friendly products are already in high demand not only among domestic consumers, but also abroad.

In the future, the company plans to set up a production line for "smart" ceilings and wall tiles, for the manufacture of which the latest developments in technology will be introduced.

So semiWith tangible support from the state, Turkmen entrepreneurs are enthusiastically exploring new areas of activity, including the electronics industry.Thus, the stand, where the products of the well-known in our country Aýdyň gijeler Economic Society, became the pride of the exposition.

Having established cooperation with leading foreign companies, the Company studied the best world practices in the field of electronic equipment and launched the production of import-substituting products, including computers, monoblocks, smartphones, routers, smart TVs, refrigerators, etc.

Numerous representatives of the leading companies of the United Arab Emirates, members of the government delegation and business circles of our country, gathered in the hall for solemn events, greet President Serdar Berdimuhamedov with thunderous applause.

Opening the meeting and warmly welcoming the high-ranking Turkmen guest, Chairman of the Federation of the UAE Chamber of Commerce and Industry Abdullah Al Mazrui stressed that it was a great honor for him and all those present to meet with the head of one of the most dynamically developing states in the world.

As noted, the President of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan attaches particular importance to building up interstate dialogue with Turkmenistan, including trade and economic partnership, built on the principles of equality, mutual benefit and long-term.

The favorable geographical location of Turkmenistan and the favorable investment climate created in the country are increasingly attracting representatives of the UAE business circles, who are showing an ever-increasing interest in expanding traditional ties.

As noted, in the United Arab Emirates, with great enthusiasm, they perceive the achievements of Turkmenistan on the path of progressive transformations and sincerely rejoice at the impressive successes of the fraternal people.

Expressing sincere gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for the active support of the Turkmen-Emirati cooperation, Abdullah Al Mazrui wished the distinguished guest new outstanding success in his large-scale noble activities, and well-being and prosperity to the entire Turkmen people.

Then the floor was given to the President of Turkmenistan.

Welcoming the heads of the largest companies of the friendly country, the head of state stressed that the Joint Committee for Cooperation between Turkmenistan and the United Arab Emirates, established in 2012, as well as the Business Council for Cooperation between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan and the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the UAE are good forms of business connections.

Noting that the Dragon Oil company is successfully operating in the oil industry of Turkmenistan, the head of state invited other UAE companies to actively participate in projects in the energy and gas chemical industries of the country.

As emphasized, there are great opportunities for developing cooperation in the transport sector of the economy.

In recent years, activities have been carried out in Turkmenistan to form a multi-vector transport system, in particular, the infrastructure of the maritime transport network is expanding, large-scale construction of new automobile, air and railway transport centers and corridors is underway.

Positively assessing the fact that in 2021 a loan agreement was signed between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Abu Dhabi Development Fund to finance the construction of a complex of facilities for an airport in the city of Jebel, Balkan velayat, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov announced his readiness to attract partners from the UAE to implement a number of other projects of transport and infrastructure systems of our country.

It was also noted that in 2018 the construction of the new Turkmenbashi International Port on the coast of the Caspian Sea was completed. Today it is a powerful multifunctional seaport.

I am confident that the International Sea Port of Turkmenbashi fully meets the goals of establishing logistics chains with ports in the United Arab Emirates, and for companies specialized in port management and provision of logistics services, it can become an attractive project.

Noting the great importance attached to cooperation in the chemical industry, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov recalled that a loan agreement had been signed between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Abu Dhabi Development Bank to finance the construction of a chemical plant for the production of mixed mineral fertilizers in the city of Turkmenabat, and expressed confidence that this would give good results and lead to the expansion of ties in this promising industry.

Being a country with huge reserves of oil and gas resources, Turkmenistan also seeks to develop "green" energy. In this context, the UAE Government was thanked for supporting our efforts to establish cooperation with the specialized organization IRENA.

Also, a loan agreement was signed between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Abu Dhabi Development Fund to finance the construction of a hybrid power plant in our country.

I believe that we have come to the point where we need really large-scale, development-oriented joint projects that can become the driving force behind economic cooperation and open up new opportunities for attracting investment, creating mixed industries, creating a modern infrastructure system, and give impetus to start long-term, strategic, integrated Turkmen-Emirati cooperation.

For this, we are ready to create favorable legal and organizational conditions, provide investors with the necessary support in the form of tax, customs, visa, insurance and other benefits, the head of Turkmenistan emphasized.

Noting that at present the United Arab Emirates is one of the largest financial centers in the world, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed great interest in the successful experience of the functioning of the UAE financial system, financial and credit organizations, insurance companies, the creation and operation of stock exchanges.

In this regard, we pin great hopes on mutual cooperation between the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan and the Dubai Center for the Development of the Islamic Economy, other banking and financial structures of the United Arab Emirates, the President of the country emphasized.

In this context, it was noted that within the framework of the partnership between the Abu Dhabi Development Fund and the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan, the Türkmen maýa goýum kompaniýasy Joint Stock Company was established in our country, which has already begun to consider and select investment projects for their further financing.

Speaking about measures to strengthen the national economy, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov drew attention to the fact that the economic strategy of Turkmenistan provides for a gradual increase in the share of private sector enterprises in GDP.

Established in 2008, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan is a strong business association that today works in many key sectors of the national economy.

Stressing that great hopes are placed on the UIET to intensify ties with the UAE business community and create the basic foundations for establishing direct contacts, the head of state expressed the readiness of Turkmen entrepreneurs for long-term partnership, expanding dialogue with their colleagues, using their successful experience, introducing modern methods and business management solutions.

According to the head of Turkmenistan, the most important part of this work is holding joint exhibitions of producers of goods and services from both countries, as well as organizing joint business forums on a regular basis.

Our country is always open to any effective ideas and proposals, responsible and reliable cooperation. And I regard today's meeting as an important step towards establishing a strong and long-term trade and economic cooperation between the business communities of Turkmenistan and the UAE, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized.

Inviting representatives of the business circles of the friendly country to large-scale and truly mutually beneficial cooperation that meets the huge potential of the two states, in conclusion of his speech, the President of Turkmenistan wished all the participants of the meeting good health, prosperity and great success in their work.

The speech of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov was listened to with great attention and met with thunderous applause.

A specially prepared video about the economic and investment opportunities of Turkmenistan, which was shown on a monitor installed on the stage, aroused great interest among the audience.

The Minister of State for Foreign Trade of the UAE is invited to the podium. Greeting the participants, Thani Bin Ahmed Al Zeyudi stressed that the personal participation of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov gives a special status to the current forum, held with the support of the top leadership of the two friendly countries.

In this regard, confidence was expressed that the current business meeting, during which the main priorities of the Turkmen-Emirati trade, economic and investment cooperation will be determined, will directly contribute to the establishment of close contacts between the business structures of the two countries.

Confirming the great interest of representatives of the business circles of the UAE in building up a productive partnership with the TurkmenRonoy, Thani Bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi stressed that the very solid composition of the participants in the business forum held as part of the official visit of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov testifies to the increased attention to the dynamically developing Turkmenistan, which is largely predetermined by the steady pace and progressive dynamics of the growth of the national economy.

The favorable investment climate created for foreign partners, which gives additional incentives for attracting foreign investment to our country on a long-term basis, also opens up broad opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation.

The desire of large Emirati businesses to strengthen and expand their presence in the promising Turkmen market was also confirmed in the speeches of the leaders of leading companies in the UAE at the business forum.

As emphasized, the ongoing policy of "open doors" and broad international cooperation opens up great opportunities for successful work and investment in Turkmenistan, which has enormous economic potential.

As part of the business meeting, which was held in an open, trusting atmosphere, ways to further deepen the established ties were discussed, specific proposals were made to increase the volume of trade, expand and diversify the mutually beneficial economic partnership.

On behalf of those present, the distinguished guest was expressed deep gratitude for the substantive discussion on the prospects for expanding bilateral trade and economic cooperation.

The high productivity of the business forum "Turkmenistan-UAE" was confirmed by the signing ceremony of bilateral documents held within its framework.

Thus, in the presence of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, a Confidentiality Agreement was signed between the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan and the Abu Dhabi Port Group; Agreement between the State Electricity Corporation "Türkmenenergo" of the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan and the company "Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company - Masdar" on cooperation in the development of renewable energy projects in Turkmenistan with a total installed capacity of 100 MWt; Agreement on cooperation between the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan and the First Bank of Abu Dhabi.

Also, between the business structures of the two countries, agreements were concluded for the provision of logistics services and various export-import operations.

Having warmly said goodbye to the participants of the business forum, which continued its work, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov drove by car to the Wahat Al Karama Memorial Complex, built in honor of the national heroes of the UAE.

Upon arrival, the head of Turkmenistan was cordially greeted by the head of the Central Office of the Wahat Al Karama monument, Sheikh Khalifa Bin Tahnoun Bin Mohammed Al Nahyan, who told the distinguished guest about this memorial complex in detail along the way.

"Wahat Al Karama", which means "Oasis of Dignity" in Arabic, was erected in honor of soldiers, law enforcement officers, diplomats, citizens of the UAE who gave their lives in the name of the Motherland, the well-being of their people.

The complex, located opposite the Sheikh Zayed Mosque, is an architectural composition of 31 panels leaning against each other with the names of fallen Emirati heroes.Symbolizing the values of the unity and integrity of the nation, this monument has become a national and cultural heritage that perpetuates the memory of the fallen for the sake of the united state.

The military oath of the United Arab Emirates is carved on the high wall behind the monument. On the plates, lined with aluminum panels, poems and sayings of the leaders of the United Arab Emirates are inscribed.

An amphitheater for 1200 people was built on the territory of the memorial, as well as a large round pool.

Having followed the line of soldiers of the Guard of Honor, the President of Turkmenistan solemnly laid a wreath at the foot of the monument, paying tribute to the memory and respect to the national heroes of the United Arab Emirates.

Then the distinguished guest is invited to the Hall of Military Glory of the memorial complex, at the entrance to which surahs from the Holy Koran are written on the outside and inside.

On the wall of the hall along the ring there are 2800 tablets with the names of UAE citizens who died for their homeland, and information about them, including dates of birth and death.

In the center of the hall there is a composition consisting of 7 glass panels, symbolizing the number of United Emirates.Each of them is inscribed with the UAE military oath.

Water flows smoothly from the outside of the panels, the continuous flow of which personifies the eternal cycle of time, when no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.

The roof of the building consists of eight slabs, seven of which symbolize the United Arab Emirates, and the eighth - national heroes.

In memory of visiting the memorial complex, the head of the Turkmen state made an entry in the Book of Honored Guests andphotographed with representatives of the Emirati side.

Thanking for visiting the majestic monument, the head of the Central Office of the Wahat Al Karama monument, Sheikh Khalifa Bin Takhnun Bin Mohammed Al Nahyan, presents a commemorative coin depicting the memorial complex to the President of Turkmenistan.

Then the motorcade of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov headed to the Sheikh Zayed mosque.

When leaving the car, the distinguished guest was met by the chief manager of the mosque, Yousef Al Obaidli, who invited the President of Turkmenistan to go to the Mausoleum, where the grave of the founder and first President of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Zayed is located.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Yousef Al Obaidli enter the Mausoleum and read Surah Al-Fatiha (Alham) near the grave of the deceased, raising their hands.

In the same place, the clergyman reads a short verse. After that, the President of Turkmenistan leaves the Mausoleum and goes to the mosque.

On the way, the distinguished guest is introduced to general information.

The Sheikh Zayed Mosque, officially opened in 2007, is one of the six largest mosques in the world. Since March 2008, excursions have been held here for both Muslims and representatives of other religions, including tourists from all over the world.

The President of Turkmenistan and Yousef al-Obaidli go to the center of the mosque, to a specially designated place.The distinguished guest is shown the world's largest handmade carpet spread on the floor there, measuring 5627 square meters and weighing 47 tons, as well as a huge chandelier suspended from the ceiling, 10 meters in diameter and 15 meters in height.

After that, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov goes out into the courtyard, where he is informed in detail about the structural features of the structure.

Thus, the mosque can simultaneously accommodate 40,000 people. The main prayer hall is designed for 7 thousand believers. Two rooms next to the main prayer hall, which are reserved for women only, can accommodate 1,500 people each.

At the four corners of the mosque there are four minarets, rising up to 107 meters. The outer row of the main building is covered with 82 domes decorated with white marble.

The total area of the mosque is 22 thousand square meters.

It should be especially noted that the spiritual component of interstate relations directly contributes to the rapprochement and mutual understanding of the peoples of the two friendly countries, connected by a common religious foundations and moral values.

As is known, as part of the large-scale selfless activity of the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty, Milli Gengesh Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, numerous mosques have been built and continue to be built in Turkmenistan, which have become an adornment of the cities and villages of the country.

At the same time, each of these spiritual temples, which are the venue for religious rites and pilgrimage for numerous believers, is distinguished by its extraordinary architectural design, striking the eye with its beauty and sublimity.

Upon completion of the inspection of the Sheikh Zayed Mosque, the President of Turkmenistan goes to the exit and leaves a memorable entry in the Book of Honored Guests. Here, the distinguished guest was presented with a gift of books telling about this mosque.

After warmly saying goodbye to the representatives of the friendly country, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov headed to the Abu Dhabi International Airport.During the conversation here with the State Minister of Foreign Trade of the United Arab Emirates, Thani Bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov once again thanked for the cordial welcome and hospitality extended to the Turkmen delegation and expressed confidence that the agreements reached in the framework of the high-level negotiations, bilateral meetings and business forum "Turkmenistan-UAE", will give new powerful impetus to the further development of the traditional interstate dialogue.

Having completed his official visit to the United Arab Emirates, Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov left for his homeland.

Having made a flight to Ashgabat, the airliner landed at the International Airport of the Turkmen capital, where the President of the country was met by officials.

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